David Chapel is a baptist church in Austin, Texas. We strive to be a church with a heart for the community.
- 2211 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Austin, TX 78702-1343
- (512) 472-9748
Faith Baptist Church is a fundamental, independent Baptist church located in Austin Texas.
- 2613 Jones Rd Austin, TX 78745-2683
- (512) 892-6038
First United Methodist Church of Athens is located in Athens, Texas and welcomes all to their church and religious community.
- 225 Lovers Ln Athens, TX 75751-2912
- (903) 675-5161
Holy Covenant United Methodist Church, 1901 E. Peters Colony Rd, Carrollton Texas 75007
- 1901 E Peters Colony Rd Carrollton, TX 75007-3548
- (972) 492-2432
Providence OPC Austin, Texas, a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Conservative and Reformed theology.
- 17712 Heatherwilde Blvd Pflugerville, TX 78660-5193
- (512) 989-3500