Physical Therapy Clinic, physical therapist, yoga studio
- 201 Paloma Drive, Temple, TX 76502
- +1 (254) 892-0527
Physical Therapy Clinic, Physical Therapist In Sherman, TX
- 2114 Texoma Pkwy #650, Sherman, TX 75090
- +1 (903) 813-1551
Health, Conditions and Illness, Pain Management, Medical Specialties, Chronic Pain, Clinics and Practices, Professions , Physical Therapy , Diseases and Conditions, Musculoskeletal Disorders
- 3508 Far West Blvd, Suite 150, Austin, Texas, 78731, USA
- +1 (512) 467-7246
Health, Conditions and Illness, Pain Management, Back and Spine, Medical Specialties, Medicine, Chronic Pain, Clinics and Practices, Physical Therapy, Professions, Musculoskeletal Disorders.
- 1001 12th Ave , Ste.170, Fort Worth TX, 76104 USA
- +1 (817) 328-1010
Houston Headache Institute is a medical office that specializes in the diagnosis of neurological conditions that lead to painful headaches and the treatment of those painful headaches. Unlike many oth
- 9601 Katy Freeway, Suite 350, Houston, TX, USA - 77024
- +1 (713) 467-4082
Surgical and non-surgical treatment of spine and spinal disorders from board certified doctors; providing comprehensive Texas spine care in South Texas.
- 9150 Huebner Road Suite 290
- +1 (210) 614-6432
Physical Therapy with Heated Pool, accepts Medicaid and Medicare Plans and Workers Comp and Auto Injury Cases.
- 7801 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas, 78752, USA
- +1 (512) 371-7273