You are welcome at Westcliff Bible Church, where the commitment is to teaching, explaining and applying the eternal truths of Scripture. Westcliff's ministry stresses verse-by-verse Bible teaching. We believe that a relevant knowledge of God's Word will enable a personal daily walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Westcliff is an Independent Bible Church
The churches founded by the Apostles were all independent. We believe that it is best that each church be free to govern itself locally without external control. Many Bible Churches began in the 1930's as a reaction to liberal theology being taught in main-line denominations. Often, the early Bible Churches came out of congregational denominations which had been brought to America by the Pilgrims.
Bible Churches comprise one of the few major groups of churches which hold a strong dispensational, pretribulational position. They stand for the historic conservative Christian faith. Scripture is used as a text for every Christian doctrine and it is the source for all educational ministries of the church. The strength of the Bible Church is its focus on a deeper level of teaching.
Come visit us! We have two services on Sunday mornings: a contemporary worship service at 9:15 AM and a traditional service at 10:50 AM. We have adult and children's Sunday School classes, children's church, and excellent childcare is available. We look forward to seeing you next Sunday!
Westcliff Bible Church Contact Information
5300 Amarillo Blvd. West, Amarillo, Texas 79106
P. O. Box 1521, Amarillo, Texas 79105