If you are aware of a special need or concern of someone in our church family, please let Rev.Joel McMahon, IV know of the need. 903 586-2494
Set up November 4.
Start cleaning out the "attic".
Teen Net Team (TNT)
More information about the project is available here.
Diane Wimberly will be here to share with us on November 16 at 6 p.m. Join us for supper and sharing with Diane.
Check the webpage for details.
UMCOR -- umcor.org for more information.
Checks can be given to the church with Advance Number
Monetary donations are needed as well as health kits, baby layettes, and birthing kits.
Food Pantry Needs . . .
Juice, canned meat/tuna, oatmeal/cereal, hamberger helper, macaroni and cheese, dried beans/rice, flour, shortening, sugar, desserts/cookies. Pick up some supplies during your next trip to the grocery store. All help is appreciated.
Readiness School Could Use . . .
Kleenex, leatex gloves, copy paper, Ritz crackers, vanilla wafers, paper towels, wet wipes, saltine crackers, goldfish crackers, pretzels. Sharing any of these items with the Readiness School will be most appreciated.
Nov. 18 -- Noon Circle
Nov. 16 -- Adams Brooks Circle
Nov. 6 -- District meeting
News and Pictures are here.
Check here for pictures of current projects and news items of current happenings.
Our Sunday morning worship service is broadcast on Suddenlink Cable Channel 18 on a one week tape delay. >more
Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Jacksonville!
We would love to have you join us for church at First United Methodist Church in Jacksonville this weekend.
Stop by our Welcome Center where we have information and a special gift for our first-time guests. Members of our church are waiting to greet you.
On these pages you will find information about Sunday Morning Services, upcoming events on our Calendar, what's happening for our Children and Youth, along with contact information, directions and much more.
Prayer Ministries @ FUMC
To put the FUMC Prayer Chain in action, call Billie Nielsen, 903.586.4288 or Jaunita Lang
Check the prayer page for details of all Pray Ministry