You've probably found this web site because you're looking for help to deal with unwanted behaviors, beliefs, and emotions. You may have tried to resolve them on your own, or with help from family, friends, or a therapist - and yet they still persist.
In childhood we acquire a set of beliefs about self and world from the significant role models around us - such as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, teachers, neighbors, etc. When they are supportive, kind, loving, and attuned, we grow up feeling good about ourselves and optimistic about the future. But when we grow up around people who are unsuppotive, unkind, neglectful, abusive, or rejecting, we may grow up feeling insecure and doubtful about the future. Such painful childhood experiences will sometimes keep us stuck in the past - preventing us from reaching our full potential.
As an ego state therapist I believe that parts of self can get stuck in the past - stuck in wounding events involving abuse, neglect, rejection, abandonment, or enmeshment. If left unresolved, the wounds of yesterday can lead to problems today. Therapy can help you get parts of self unstuck from traumatic and painful expereinces, so you can live more fully in the present - without the unwanted behaviors, beliefs, and emotions yesterday's wounds have evoked.
Felt as though a traumatic event from the past is still happening now.
Reacted to a stessful event as a fearful, helpless, or angry child would react.
Suspected your unhappy childhood is connected to your adulthood problems.
Noticed that what you think ("I'm worthwhile") doesn't match what you feel ("I'm worthless").