Welcome to Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Salem is a family of faith affiliated with the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We have been in ministry over 150 years, and seek to serve God and others with our presence in the Brenham community.
Thank you for browsing our website. If we can be of assistance, or answer any questions, feel free to contact us at salembrenham@broadwaves.net.
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church . 1500 Salem Road . Brenham, Texas 77833-6958
Email: salembrenham@broadwaves.net
Branches and additional offices:
(936) 825-0216Rr 1 Navasota, TX 77868-
(512) 243-12909322 Fm 812 Austin, TX 78719-3010
(281) 351-822322601 Lutheran Church Rd Tomball, TX 77377-3716