Thank You For Visiting Forest Lane Animal Clinic
Forest Lane Animal Clinic has been providing quality pet care since 1960. This tradition continues to evolve with the technological advances of medicine. Today, services provide at the clinic include modern diagnostics, surgery, dentistry, and boarding.
With our in-house laboratory, we can obtain blood test results rapidly. This facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of serious medical conditions, including anemia, liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid disorders, and diabetes.
Our x-ray and ultrasound machines are used to visualize conditions and diseases affecting internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, and urinary bladder. Both ultrasound and x-rays aid in diagnosing a variety of medical conditions including pregnancy, tumors, and bladder or kidney stones.
Laser surgery is available and it is used to decrease the swelling and pain associated with traditional surgery. All cat declaw surgeries at our clinic are done with the laser. Pain medications are readily available for all pets that undergo surgery.
Dentistry includes treating tooth root abscesses, tooth extractions, and gingivitis. Routine dental cleaning (scaling and polishing of the teeth) is known to prevent heart disease and kidney disease that commonly develop as a pet ages.
We provide boarding for both cats and dogs in a safe, climate-controlled environment. Indoor/outdoor runs are utilized for larger dogs. Small dogs may upgrade to the larger kennel runs, as space is available. All boarded animals must provide proof of current vaccinations or be vaccinated at our clinic prior to entering the boarding facility. Please call for specific vaccination requirements and to reserve boarding slots during peak holidays times.