As a 'fundraising' company, we are primarily focused on creating new ways to increase your sales volume so that you ultimately earn more profit. And, the only way to increase the revenue is to provide new & better incentives for the students and parents to participate in our program! In fact, it is our responsibility to help your school earn more profit than you have before. Otherwise, there would be no point in talking with us! Furthermore, we firmly believe that we have the absolute strongest and most effective fundraising program in the entire industry.
Three Ingredients for a Successful Fundraiser
1. Sell an Exclusive Product Line!
2. Sell it early in the semester!
3. Offer an outstanding incentive package for the students!
Fundraising is not rocket science. In fact, it’s really pretty simple. And, if you follow these basic rules of thumb, particularly #3, you will have a very successful campaign.
25 years of experience
Provide Customers with fundraising solutions
The most effective promotions and incentive programs in the industry.
New and innovative products for a fresh appeal.
Consultants with the knowledge and experience to take the guess work out of fundraising.
Answers to delivery issues
Ask us about our delivery and profit guarantees