200 East Elm Street PO Box 404 Hillsboro, TX 76645 254-582-2531
1300 Corsicana Hwy PO Box 404 Hillsboro, TX 76645 254-582-2533
NOTICE: The Citizens National Bank will never request personal identity information from you by email. Should you receive such an email, please disregard and delete from your computer.
Tips for Keeping Your Information Safe from Debit Card Fraud
1. 1. Destroy old debit cards when replacement cards are activated.
2. 2. Pick up receipts when leaving a point of sale.
3. 3. Be aware of your surroundings when you enter a PIN.
4. 4. NEVER keep your PIN in your wallet or purse.
5. 5. Shred receipts, forms, account statements, and anything else with sensitive information before discarding.
6. 6. Do not volunteer any personal information when using your debit card.
7. 7. Frequently reconcile your debit card transactions with your online banking transaction history or, at a minimum, your account statement each month.