Food Pantry Items
Food Pantry items for November are jelly, cereal and toilet paper. You can place your donations in the food barrel located in the Memorial Courtyard Hallway. Contributions benefit the East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry Food Pantry.
United Methodist Women's Annual Giving Tree
Supporting the children of Rainbow Room and Family Promise, our annual Christmas Giving Tree is now on display in the narthex. Just take an ornament from the tree and purchase the item specified. Place your unwrapped gift under the tree with the ornament attached by Sunday, November 28. If purchasing a gift card, please give to Jeanelle Fisher or Thelma Anthis in the church office.
Grief Support Group
For some of us, the holidays are not a time of joy, but a time of struggle, grief and loss. On Tuesday nights beginning November 16 from 7 until 8:30 in the Parlor, we will "Discover Grace in Grief" by exploring some practical things you and your family can do to make this season one of hope and peace. We will conclude our time together by attending the "Service of the Longest Night." on Tuesday, December 21 in The Chapel of the Resurrection.
Fun Folks Christmas Ball
The "Fun Folks" are gathering for an evening out on Sunday, December 5 at Sweetwater Country Club. Get together for an elegant evening of fun, dinner, dancing, live entertainment and door prizes! Contact Dave Anderson at for more information.
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