Enjoy your visit at Motel Bayfront Inn at Corpus Christi while staying in our comfortable and spacious rooms equipped with all the amenities you'll need. Check out the current rates and visit our specials for the latest discounts available to our online visitors. The Motel Bayfront Inn at Corpus Christi, offers the cleanest, and most comfortable rooms in the bay area. It is a perfect place to stay after a day of business travel or during your vacation to Corpus Christi Area.
When you stay with us at the motel Bayfront Inn you will experience a comfortable atmosphere in our inviting lobby and a signature pool recreation area or unwinding in one of our spacious guest rooms. All these amenities at a value that makes it easy to check in again and again. All the rooms at Motel Bayfront Inn at Corpus Christi are exceptionally clean and comfortable which makes it a nice option for Lodging in Corpus Christi. We are centrally located in the downtown area facing the bay. Visitors to our motel enjoy access to some of the best scenery and marvelous locations around the area. Some of the area attractions are Padre Island, Greyhound Dog Track, Convention Center and Texas State Aquarium.
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