Thank you for taking the time to visit us on our website! It is through this medium that I want you to learn about First Baptist Church, Galveston. Here you will find the different ways we can minister to you and places where you can serve the Lord.
No matter where you are as you read these words, across the street, across the nation, or around the world, we desire to be a blessing to you. We desire to reach out to you in any way we can.
As we minister to Galveston Island, it is the desire of FBC to follow the instructions of the prophet Jeremiah when he wrote, "Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you... and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." (Jeremiah 29:7)
As we continue to make this website more of a ministry point for those who navigate it, may you receive a blessing and ministry from it.
If you are looking for a church home in Galveston, I pray you will consider how we worship and minister and allow the Lord to lead you to become part of us.