It can be incredibly difficult to live with heavy debt, especially if you no longer are able to support yourself and your family. If you are in this position, you may be worried about the future, unsure of what to do to protect your possessions and property. While it may feel like there is no way out, this is not true. While a bankruptcy filing may not be the best option for everyone, for many, it can be the first step towards a new life of financial security.
The Galveston and Clear Lake bankruptcy attorneys of Gipson & Norman are dedicated to helping people and businesses who would benefit from filing for bankruptcy. We know that it can be very difficult to go through the process. That is why we are dedicated to helping our clients every step of the way and fighting as hard as possible to get them the debt relief they need. To discuss your financial situation and debt protection needs with one of our experienced and sympathetic Galveston bankruptcy attorneys, please contact us today by calling 281-332-4800.
Our Practice Areas
At Gipson & Norman, we handle practically every facet of the bankruptcy and debt restructuring process, and we have experience helping people with cases involving:
If you or someone you love is facing heavy debts and is unsure of how to overcome them, the Clear Lake bankruptcy attorneys of Gipson & Norman may be able to help. Your case is important to us, as is helping you overcome the challenges you are facing.
Since 1985, our compassionate Galveston bankruptcy attorneys have been dedicated to helping average, hardworking people who are in need of the debt protection and relief that a bankruptcy filing can provide. We may be able to work with you to clear your debts, protect your assets, and move on with your life. To learn more about what our Galveston and Clear Lake bankruptcy attorneys may be able to do for you, your family, or your business, please contact us today by calling one of our three convenient numbers:
Jeffrey P. Norman is Board Certified-Consumer Bankruptcy Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and is Board Certified-Consumer Bankruptcy Law by the American Board of Certification. Ronald M. Gipson is Board Certified-Consumer Bankruptcy Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
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Branches and additional offices:
(281) 332-4800450 N Texas Ave Ste A Webster, TX 77598-4963
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