Living and Sharing Progressive Christianity
Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Hands
Early Worship 8:30–9:15 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30–10:30 a.m.
Worship 10:45–11:45 a.m.
14311 Wells Port Drive (Map)
New Streaming Videos!
New, by Dr. Robert Jensen: "Glenn Beck's Redemption Song: Why Beck's Message is so Appealing?"
and "Soils and Souls: The Promise of the Land"
New, by Dr. Walt Herbert: Plutocracy
The Trial of Rev. Janie Spahr
Jim's August 29th sermon: "The Trial"
Jim's interview entitled "A Radical Christianity?"
"...the real question for me, is can there be a religion that honors
reason, science and universal human rights?"
"Few things affect our lives more than health care."
Jim's interview with
Plano Moms, an Online Moms Community where we share Events, Fun Things to Do, Kids Friendly Restaurants, Mommy and Me Classes, Shopping, Health & Fitness Centers, Pre Schools and Childcare & more...