Welcome to Pond Springs!
Welcome! We're so excited that you've stopped by to check outPond Springs.Wemay only have your attention for a minute, so here's what we want you to know up front: thePond Springs familyloves God and the Pond Springs family loves people.
Regardless of where youare inyour life journey,you are special! Wow, I wonder if anyone has told you that lately? So often, life is so busy that we forget to pause and simplyshare just how much we appreciate each other. AtPond Springs, we feel that life is too precious to miss out on theopportunity toencourage people, build them up, listen to them and help them achieve their calling in life.
That's a tiny bit aboutus, but just asimportantly, we would like tohear aboutyou. Who are you? What are your passions, gifts and goals? What are your questions? How can be assist you in your life journey? If you really think about it, at Pond Springs,it's all about relationships -- connecting with God and connecting with each other. Wewant to spend time with God and with people -- people like you. When we do, you'll be a blessing to us, and if weare everything that we arecalled to be, we'll be a blessing to you!
Follow PSCOC! Like never before, technology allows us to connect with people. At Pond Springs, church = relationships and relationships = connection. Come connect with us,see what's happening. We'd love to know:"what are you doing?" View Our Bulletins Because relationships drive a healthy church family and healthy relationships thrive on good communication, a healthy church family should communicate well. Part of the family communication at Pond Springs is our weekly bulletin. Here you'll find opportunities to put your passion into practice, requests for prayers, important updates about compelling events and a briefdevotional thought to helpyouwithyour ongoing spiritual growth.
View the PSCOC Corner. Nowadays blogging is one of the easiest ways of staying connecting with what's goingon with the Pond Springs family. Come check out our blog, leave a comment or two and let us know what you think.
Contact Us! Come connect with us. We'd love to hear what is on your heart Read More About Us We'd love for you to see how we're connecting with each other and with our community as we carry out our exciting visionfor the Pond Springs community.