Please come by any time during our regularly scheduled aikido classes to observe a class and ask questions. Classes are held 7 days a week (morning, noon and evening) at 5501 North Lamar #C111. You can also phone us at (512) 323-0123 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting(512) 323-0123end_of_the_skype_highlighting or e-mail us.
Aikido of Austin 25th Anniversary Seminar! Inviting all friends of Aikido of Austin. October 9th and 10th, 2010
College Credit for Aikido
Aikido Beginners' Program 2-for-1 Enrollment
Our month-long Beginners’ Program starts the first Tuesday of every month. You’ll receive 12 hours of instruction that will cover the basics you’ll need to practice aikido.
Aikido demonstration video
For more video clips, click on "Video Links" in the left-hand menu.
How long did it take you to get the hang of rolls?