Our system of justice is based on accountability and responsibility. Lawyers need to be held accountable to the public and responsible for their actions the same as all others. Brett Wagner is one of the most respected lawyers in the area of legal malpractice. We have earned this respect by our long history of enforcing this concept of accountability and responsibility.
With a combined experience of over 60 years, Larry J. Doherty and Brett Wagner have dedicated the vast majority of their respective legal careers to representation of plaintiffs in legal malpractice claims. While the firm has, from time to time, accepted representation in matters other than legal malpractice, legal malpractice claims have accounted for 90 to 95 percent of the firms docket of cases for at least the last 20 years. In 1994, Larry J. Doherty was the only lawyer listed in a Whos Who survey by the National Law Journal as representing just plaintiffs in legal malpractice cases. Likewise, Brett Wagner has essentially devoted his entire career to suing lawyers and related litigation.
Knowledge is crucial and experience is essential to any lawyers ability to obtain a successful result for the client. Larry J. Doherty and Brett Wagner possess both. Combined with this knowledge and experience, is their sense of compassion and a commitment of integrity to our clients. We recognize that every person who approaches this firm with a potential legal malpractice claim already feels, to some extent, victimized by a lawyer. Such clients have often lost their trust for the law and lawyers. We work to rebuild that trust so essential to the attorney client relationship.
Branches and additional offices:
(281) 583-775513810 Champion Forest Dr Ste 225 Houston, TX 77069-1844