Weekly Men's and Ladies' PrayerEat - Fellowship - Pray
Mission Meals3rd Sunday of every Month
Elders Meeting1st and 3rd Wed. every month
Ministerial Alliance1st Wed of Every Month
JOIN US ON OUR JOURNEY OF FAITH - Sunday 9:30AM and 10:45AM - Wed 7:00PM - 1616 Old Granger Rd. - 512-352-2423
JOIN US ON OUR JOURNEY OF FAITH - Sunday 9:30AM and 10:30AM - Wed 7:00PM - 1616 Granger Rd. - 512-352-2423
TOWNWEST church is a dynamic group of believers seeking to serve God with all our might in the community of Taylor, Texas.
We believe that God is working all around the world, and we believe that God is working in this city as well.
As a Christian Fellowship, our lives, worship, and Christian activities are centered on the saving work of Jesus Christ. We want to see God work in and through the lives of those who call on Christ's name - and we want to see God work in your life as well. Matthew Pitrucha Preaching Minister