Feed My Lambs
We will be making fresh sandwiches on this Friday, November 19th for the sack lunch program. Anyone is welcome to assist in making sandwiches or sack lunches, or to donate supplies including jackets, sweatshirts, blankets, and other cold weather gear to distribute to the homeless that pick up lunches on Fridays. Please consider checking your closet for donations.
The children and youth are preparing for “The X-Mas Files” during Kingdom Quest and Youth Bible Study. It is vital for them to attend on Sunday mornings as we get ready to present the musical on Sunday, December 19th during late service. The musical will incorporate the adult choir as well as visual elements on the screen. Please contact Jordan with questions.
Christmas Angel Tree Project
Sunday Service Times
8:15 am – Traditional Worship Service
9:30-10:30 am – Christian Education
10:45 am – Blended Worship Service
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Friday, December 24, 6:30 pm – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Saturday, December 25, 10:00 am – Christmas Day Service
Upcoming Sermon – November 21st
God’s Treasured Possession (Text: Luke 23:28-31 & Malachi 3:16-18)
Most Recent Sermon
American “Idle” (Text: II Thessalonians 3:6-13)