Welcome to the practice of Peter V. Driscoll, M.D., Beverly Cosmetic Surgery Institute, located in Austin, Texas. With several years of experience, our Austin cosmetic surgeon has the ability to provide patients with beautiful, natural-looking results. Dr. Driscoll is a specialist in face, breasts, and body enhancing procedures, treating every patient with honesty and integrity throughout his/her entire surgical experience.
Some of the procedures available at Beverly Cosmetic Surgery Institute include facelift surgery, nose surgery (rhinoplasty), liposuction, and butt enhancement with butt implants. Dr. Driscolls knowledge of the latest in cosmetic surgery allows him to utilize the most innovative techniques. One of the most recent advances in breast augmentation includes transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA), in which Dr. Driscoll is able to insert breast implants through the belly button, which produces no scarring on the breasts. He and his staff will provide you with the necessary information and support needed to help you make the best decisions.
We encourage you to browse our site and learn more regarding your procedure(s) of choice. Please call our office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Driscoll.
Dr. Peter Driscoll, of Beverly Cosmetic Surgery.Com, has developed new instruments that enable him to remove and replace saline implants through the “bellybutton”. This technique can be done on any patient irrespective of how their implants were originally inserted. Dr. Driscoll has been performing this “size changing ” technique for the past 6 years, and to date not one of his patients has required narcotic pain medicine, nor missed a day of work. The breast size is altered with no visible scar, and the patient carries on with their normal life.
Dr. Downey is an accomplished plastic surgeon specializing in breast reconstruction and facial cosmetic surgery that also offers body contouring and reconstructive surgery.
2500 West Loop South, Suite 150, Houston, TX 77027