Providing our patients the best possible care is our constant goal. We aim for total resolution of your acute problem. If a chronic problem we aim for your achieving and maintaining the most optimal condition. Your well-being and comfort are of the utmost priority and concern.
Dr. Joe T. Powell (Austin Physical Medicine) in this clinic treats many types of acute and chronic musculoskeletal and nerve pain and/or weakness problems, from spontaneous onset, injuries, or other. Physical medicine doctors focus on nonsurgical means of restoring and maximizing function, mobility and decreasing/eliminating pain.
This clinic has also electrodiagnosis lab facilities for the performance of EMG (electromyography) and nerve conduction studies to evaluate pain or weakness problems including nerve injuries, spinal problems, and upper and lower limb and nerve entrapment disorders such as carpal tunnel, other, traumatic nerve injuries, and diseases of the peripheral nerve and muscle systems.