Welcome to University Christian Church in Austin, Texas USA!
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Centering Prayer Ministry
A new prayer ministry began at UCC September 29, 2010. Dr. Glenn Haluska leads a group that both studies and practices a method known as Centering Prayer. Though ancient in its origins, Centering Prayer has a growing following of Christians across many denominational lines. This contemplative approach is described by its participants as expanding “our awareness of God whom we know by faith is within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than choosing - - closer than consciousness itself.” (The Method of Centering Prayer, by Fr. Thomas Keating)
Centering Prayer is practiced in the Nordan Chapel at UCC at noon on Wednesdays. You are most heartily welcomed to join in this gathering and to invite others to come with you. We are in hopes that scheduling the sessions at this time will make it more available to the students, faculty, and staff at the University of Texas. Learn more at this ministry’s website at: https://sites.google.com/site/centeringprayerucc/home or contact Glenn or Pastor Chuck Kutz-Marks.
Our congregation is a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the Southwest Region. Check out these websites for information on how it is that we live out our faith together or see this video about who we are.