We live in a time of growth and innovation.Transportation and development infrastructure continues to expand, while the demand for clean air and water and the protection of natural and cultural resources has spread beyond advocacy groups and government regulators andinto the American mainstream. In communities everywhere, important growth and development projects aremet with theexpectation that local social, economic and environmental assets will be protected and enhanced.
These are the challenges that led to thecreation of Hicks & Companymore than 20 years ago.
Today wesuccessfully support our clients’ environmentalneedsby preparing Environmental Impact Statements and other NEPA documents; obtainingwetlands permits and compensatory mitigation approvals; developing regional habitat conservation plans and other endangered species investigations; implementing environmental compliance management programs for major public projects; and achieving regulatory clearance for complex archeological and historic structures issues. Our professional team applies an interdisciplinary understanding ofsocial, economic and environmental issues that meets the expectations of the regulatory community and the public. Our mission is to guide our clients through the often complex regulatory environment while helping themmaketheir projects better, more sustainable investments for everyone.
Archeology team to survey Lost Maples Natural Area
Hicks & Company archeologist to be presenter at 75th Annual SAA Meeting in St. Louis
Archeologist receives E. Mott Davis Public Outreach Award for Zilker Park excavation website
Hicks & Company to Conduct 5,600-acre Endangered Songbird Survey for the City of Austin
Whooping Crane Bioenergetics