Welcome to ABD!
Austin Ballroom Dancers (ABD) is a nonprofit, social organization completely dedicated to teaching and hosting ballroom dancing. We sponsor dances, classes, and workshops for people of all ages. [more]
ABD dances are held at 8868 Research Blvd., Suite 706.[PDF Map] at Austin Uptown Dance, which has an excellent bamboo dance floor and very few "no dance" weekends. The dances are from 8:00 to 11:00PM. Additionally, a 30 minute mini-lesson, included in the price of admission, is offered before the start of each dance. We appreciate your visiting with us; you do not need a partner to attend. Please call the ABD Hotline at 512/989-3939 or email the ABD Secretary if you have any questions.
Nash Hernandez Orchestra
ABD is hosting a Thanksgiving weekend dance at the Austin Recreation Center, 1301 Shoal Creek. Our last dance with the orchestra was a huge success and we are hoping to repeat that occasion. The dance will be held Saturday night, Nov. 27, starting at 7:30. No mini-lesson prior to the dance. Please come join us for a wonderful evening of dancing to the Nash Hernandez Orchestra. $12 for Members; $15 for guests.
ABD Members and Students
(full-time college and high school students)
Current Class Schedule:
Don McCollum's Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays [more]
Richard Fowler's Classes: Thursdays and Fridays [more]
Mini-Lessons are designed for the beginner dancer and are included with admission. Please note: All schedules are subject to change without notice.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any comments or questions.
Austin Ballroom Dancers, PO Box 4571, Austin, TX 78765