David Chapel is a baptist church in Austin, Texas. We strive to be a church with a heart for the community.
- 2211 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Austin, TX 78702-1343
- (512) 472-9748
Church Of The Living Word is an area dedicated to Christians, missionaries, churches, outreach, evangelism, faith and ministries. Pastor LT Moss
- 2501 Camino De Verdad Weslaco, TX 78596-1267
- (956) 565-2694
First Presbyterian Church of Bryan/College Station is a Christian congregation of believers, united in love and faith in God.
- 1100 Carter Creek Pkwy Bryan, TX 77802-1199
- (979) 822-7063
We would like to start by saying welcome to Christian Life Church , Waco Texas . We are honored that youre taking the time to visit our page.
- 3015 Robinson Dr Waco, TX 76706
- (254) 662-3991
Redeemer Temple, located in Temple, Texas, is a Presbyterian and reformed church, committed to the Gospel of grace in Jesus Christ, which exists
- 1401 N Main St Temple, TX 76501-2020
- (541) 510-1789