A home foundation is often overlooked until a serious problem occurs. But, like any problem, foundation issues tend to get more costly when ignored. Why not have a Jericho professional stop by to ease your mind about overcoming yourfoundation issues?
We have the knowledge and equipment to accurately assess the state of your foundation, and can also offer advice on how to minimize the risk of problems before they ruin a healthy foundation. And the best part? With Jericho, these inspections are free. We’ve been a family-run operation for over twenty years We know that like your home, a business relationship is a long-term investment. We inspect your home, go over your options and your concerns, and let you make the decisions that best fit your situation. We strive to be your partner in keeping your most valuable investment in good repair.
You can either fill out our online request form, or if you’d like to talk with us call 713.772.7522.
We are located at: 9430 White Chapel Lane, Houston, Texas 77074
Jericho wins the “Better Business Bureau Award of Distinction” for 2009!
On May 5, 2010, the Better Business Bureau Education Foundationrecognized BBB Accredited companies and non-profits who have maintained a superior commitment to ethics, overall excellence, and quality in the workplace at the 2010 Awards for Excellence luncheon. Listed below are the 2009 Winners of Excellence.
Jericho has continued its streak of Better Business Bureau awards since 2005, and we don’t plan on stopping now!Official Announcement
I want to express our appreciation for all the excellent work done by your crews on our home. Your recent measurements were a great help for both buyers and seller of the home. Thank you again. You can certainly count on us for a good reference in the future.
— James C., Houston, TX
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