Toni and I just got back from our vacation in Cancun, Mexico. We had a wonderful time. I am so grateful for a staff that is able to cover all the bases in my absence. This past Sunday CrossRoads celebrated our 8 year anniversary as a church family. We are so grateful for all that God has done. Thanks so much for being a part of our church family.
This Saturday we have a Mens Breakfast @ 8:00am. Scott Brown will be our speaker. Its always a great time for the men to get to know one another. Guys, I hope you will be able to attend.
The Ladies Breakfast will be on Saturday, November 20th @ 9:00am. Women are invited to enjoy good food, fellowship, and hear special speaker Lindsay Cannedy from Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. There will also be some exciting door prizes and giveaways.
Operation Christmas Child boxes are due back at Crossroads by this Sunday, November 14th. This program helps children in desperate situations worldwide through gift boxes & evangelistic materials that tell of Gods love. For additional questions, contact Angela Dikes at
Here are this weeks scheduled events
8:30am – Stretching & Strengthening class
7:00pm – Branded Youth Group (JH & SH)
7:00pm – Cross Seekers Childrens Bible Club
7:00pm -Intercessors Prayer Meeting
9:00pm -Extreme Fitness – Insanity
7:30pm -Extreme Fitness – Insanity
5:30am – -Stretching & Strengthening class
10:00am – Mom & Me Playgroup
We have two Sunday morning services at the following times: