For over 50 years, we have been dedicated to proclaiming the Word of God without exception and teaching the Truth that transcends all time and cultures. We are a confessional LCMS church located on the westside of Fort Worth, Texas. Redeemer Lutheran School instructs its children in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord. We invite you to join us today as we work to strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with Christ.
November 7, 2010 — Gods Saints Live!
What is a saint? A saint is a forgiven sinner. Or, to say it differently, a saint is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. So then, we who trust in Christ alone for our salvation are saints. Those Christians who are now in heaven are also saints. No one ever made it to heaven who was not first a saint on earth. Today, we are observing All Saints Day. That means that we are celebrating Gods work of making saints on earth and saints in heaven.
October 31, 2010 — Gods Word Gives Us Light and Life
When I was a child growing up in Oregon, my brother and I got very excited whenever we got to go to Portland to visit grandma and grandpa. Almost always we made the trip after my dad got off work on a Friday. It was about a fivehour drive, most of it in the dark. My grandparents lived near the bottom of one of Portlands many hills. This particular hill was called Rocky Butte. Rocky Butte was not a big hill by Oregon standards, for it rose only about 500 feet in the air. But since it was near the airport, a revolving beacon was placed at the top to alert planes to steer clear.