Trinity Episcopal Church
3401 Bellaire Dr. So. Fort Worth, Texas 76109 817-926-4631
8:00am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:15am - Choral Eucharist, Rite II
11:30am - Folk Mass, Rite II
6:00pm - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
News to Know
► Seniors Group Trip information for November
► An invitation to convention from our Bishop
► Alternative Giving Market announces gift opportunities for 2010
► Trinity Newsletter for November
► Make a vestry nomination
Theme: listening, praying, reading, contemplating
October 24 - Listening to One Another and to God
October 31 - Halloween Fall Festival
November 7 - Listening to God and Self
November 14 - Advent Readings and Prayer
November 21 - Advent Theology
November 28 - Thanksgiving Fellowship Note: Trinity Forums take place between the 9:15 and 11:30 services in the Parish Hall. They begin around 10:40.
► Saturday Supper Hosts and Schedule completed
► Our own Doug Newsom honored
► Daughters of the King schedules meeting
► Trinity Gardeners schedule regular meetings
► Be a flower donor
► Women of Trinity organization announces schedule for 2010-2011
► Episcopal Campus Ministries at TCU to launch Historic BCP Eucharist Series
► Safeguarding God's Children class schedules
► Communicate with Trinity Electronically
Branches and additional offices:
(817) 926-07503425 Bellaire Dr S Fort Worth, TX 76109-2133