Whether you're new to the Seguin area or only new to First Presbyterian Church we offer you a hearty welcome on behalf of our community of faith. As a community of faith, we acknowledge Christ as Lord. Together we seek a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with God and greater understanding of how He would have us live in our complex and confusing world. The church is more than a building. The church is people. People like yourself. Worshipping, learning, sharing, laughing, loving. People from all walks of life. Children, youth, adults, single, married. People who want to grow. People who want to hear God's Word and be shaped by it. People have been coming together as Presbyterian Christians here in Seguin since 1851. To praise God and to work for Him. You are invited to become a part of this community of faith known as First Presbyterian Church of Seguin.
Church School...........................................9:00a.m.
Church school classes are held for children, youth, and adults. Worship is a time of joy-filled gathering to praise God. In worship we offer ourselves to God and are equipped for service in the world. Handicapped parking and accessibility help ensure that all people are made welcome, physically as well as spiritually. Join us in the Fellowship Hall following the worship service for coffee, punch, cookies, and a time to visit. We offer childcare in the nursery during Church school, worship and fellowship.
And Much More...
Wednesday night programs for children and youth, Parents Helping Parents Program on Wednesday nights, Thursday morning groups studies, church suppers, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas programs, Christmas Eve candlelight Communion, Lenten worship, Vacation Bible School, youth camps and retreats, and involvement in a wide variety of local and area mission projects.