It really is time for a new idea in fencing. More strength. Much longer life. Much less costly to install. A better idea. We call that "the Stay-Tuff Advantage." It's all because the unique Stay-Tuff manufacturing method offers several advantages over conventional hinge-joint products. It's just better for the modern rancher and farmer.
To begin with, the product is manufactured from 12 1/2 gauge, Hi-Tensile, class 3 galvanized wire, offering three times the life and nearly four times the strength over most conventional low tensile wire. Hi-Tensile wire won't stretch. It has less than 1% elongation, compared to 11% elongation for low tensile wire. When you combine this with a very deep crimp, the producer can put up the fence, tighten it, and the fence will remain tight. When stock pressure, snow load, and the occasional tree falls on the fence, it will give with the load, it will not stretch, and it will spring back to its original shape.
Stay-Tuff fence is manufactured using a solid vertical stay rather than the conventional hinge-joint between vertical and horizontal wires. This provides superior vertical strength, allowing the fence to literally stand by itself, and providing much greater resistance to stock pressure preventing penetration of the fence. And last, but certainly not least, Stay-Tuff is manufactured domestically right here in Texas.
Land clearing, Stump Removal, Mulching, Brush Removal, Fence Row Preparation, Dirt work, House Pads, Fence Building, Fence Repair, Right of way maintenanc