Philosophy of Ministry
Philosophy of Music
Philosophy of Family & Youth Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Overseas Missions KBC Supports
Welcome to our family. We are sinners, every one, who are saved by grace and seek to live by the grace of Christ.
In Him we are able to encourage and support each other.
In Him we are accountable to one another.
In Him we love to worship, study, play, laugh, pray, sing, and eat together.
There is abundant life in this body of believers and we want to share it with you. Please take some time to surf around and see what we are about. When you are done, come and visit, give us a call, or drop us an e-mail. We would love to hear from you.
Pastor Chris McKnight
Sunday School - 9:30AM
Morning Worship - 11:00AM
- Preaching Service - Fell. Hall
- AWANA - Family Life Center
- Middle School - 6th - 8th
- High School Boys Discipleship
- High School Girls Discipleship
- Choir - Worship Center
Operation Christmas Child - by Nov. 17th
Baptism Service - Nov. 28th, Sunday Service.
O.W.L.'s Meeting - Nov. 18th, 11:30, Marty Ritter's home.
Family Camp - Feb. 25-27th, 2011.
The Christmas Prayer Musical - Dec. 12, 5:00 pm
Purposes for the Lord's Table
Repentance Unto Salvation