The 2010 Diocesan Convention of Northwest Texas
was hosted by St. Paul's, Lubbock, October 8-9
Outreach Opportunities An ongoing outreach opportunity at St. Benedict's Mission welcomes volunteers to join other parishioners in providing food one Saturday a month for this ecumenical downtown ministry.Contact Ingrid Simmons (224-5464) for more information.
St. Stephen's is blessed to be enjoying the leadership of the several clergy who have been and will be celebrants at our Sunday Holy Eucharists. Please express your thanks as you see them to the following:
The Right Reverend Wallis Ohl / The Reverend Jean Scott / The Reverend Bill Wright The Reverend Suzi Robertson / The Reverend Bill Nix / The Right Reverend Sam Hulsey
The Reverend Jim Haney / The Reverend Kara Wischmeyer / The Reverend David Veal
The Reverend Scott Mayer and as The Right Reverend Scott Mayer
The Reverend David Veal, Supply Priest | The Rev. Jean Pearson Scott, Priest in Residence
Larry Douglas, administrative assistant/organist / Terry Garrett, choir director
Debbie Cosgrove, bookkeeper
Brit Pharris, Senior Warden / Mike McKay, Junior Warden Claire Cowden, Shirley Edwards,
Tim Foster, Judy Halla, Mary Jane Link, Jo Moore, Phil Rapstine, Jan Rigsby, Maggie Seymour