At St. Michael's those words remind us at the close of worship who our God is and what He wants from those who follow His Son, Jesus. Christians have long been convinced that God is all about love.
We believe its was love that motivated God the Father to send His Son to redeem us. It was God's love that Jesus offered His disciples to guide their lives and relationships. It was love that later Christian mystics saw at the heart of everything. And it is love that motivates our worship and service today. With so much of our world in disarray and so many people hurting, the people of St. Michael's seek to live out the call of the Jesus we follow to "love one another as I have loved you." Come, join us in sharing God's love. Learn more ABOUT US.
Our vision of "Sharing God's Love" is a part of everything we do at St. Michael's. And, we begin with each other. As a community of believers we celebrate together. On every Mardi Gras (the day before Ash Wednesday), Holy Week (the week before Easter), Pentecost Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and many other occasions we gather for a picnic or party or some form of celebration.
We believe that living a life for God is best done in community. All of us working together can be more joyful, prayerful and healthy. [LEARN MORE]
On Saturday, August 7th, St. Michael's gave away 120 backpacks and school supplies to families in our area. Click on the bus for more details about this great day.