At The Growing Stick, we believe each child is a unique individual. Therefore, our programs are based on the individual social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development of each child. We believe children are happy and secure when they have plenty of opportunities to succeed each day. Success breeds self-confidence, and self-confident children approach learning as fun and actively search for information and solutions to problems. As a result, they develop into well-rounded, capable adults. Much of what we do with children is designed to facilitate the development of self-confidence.
Because our programs are developmental, we believe that children's interest and skill must guide our curriculum planning. Planning efforts respond to the direction of a child's learning. Because we focus on process learning, activities are designed to emphasize the experiences children are having rather that what results from activities. In other words, painting is more important than what is painted, building blocks is more important than what is built. Help children learn how to learn is what our programs are about.
During the early childhood years, young children are learning to be in charge of themselves. We believe in consistent, understandable limits and in teachers who respond to inappropriate behavior with insight, sensitivity, and skill. When clear, consistent, and age-appropriate limits are present, children increasingly become responsible for themselves. When out-of-bounds behavior does occur, we believe it is important for children to understand why the behavior is inappropriate and how to modify it.
To make this philosophy work, we believe our center environments must be clean, safe, and well planned. Our staff is responsible for insuring a clean, safe, and well prepared environment.
We believe that our developmental early childhood programs, trained staff, and an orientation to the individual child make The Growing Stick uniquely qualified to help support you as you raise your child.