Director of Missions: Dr. Danny Pickens
Ministry Assistant: Meegan Soule'
Secretary: Sue Sexton
Financial Secretary: Harold Richardson
UT Tyler Baptist Student Ministry
Timberline Baptist Encampment
Sharon Baptist Church Medical Clinic
East Texas Baptist Certificate In Ministry
Bethesda Health Clinic
Chilean Disaster Relief Trip 2010
Toronto Canada Mission Trip 2010
Free Sunday School Literature
Pastors and Musicians Available for Supply
Sample Church Documents
General Information Concerning Global Missions
The Sanctuary at Kerr Villiage (Oakville, Ontario, Canada)
Hebron Car and Cycle Show, November 13
Celebrating Seniior Adults Conference
Sharon Hinton Smith Concert
5th Annual Christmas in the Breckenridge Village
FBC Alba Heritage Celebration
Donated Facility a Victory for Two Tyler Congregations
Bridlewood hosts ComePrayWithMe
Park Heights "Passes the Mantel" to Higher Heights
Tyland Seeks Help Via The Texan and SBTC
Texas Hope 2010 Coverage on KLTV
Brookhill Kids and First Baptist Tyler
Father's Day: Adoption Of Orphan Completes Pastors Family
Mission Tyler Helping Those South of Us Who Lost Everything
Mission Tyler Does it Again!
Hear Dr. Charles Dodson, Director of Breckenridge Village Share a
David Dykes Receives Top Cooperation Award From SBC
The House That God Built
East Texas volunteer Warms Hearts
Freedom Fighters - Saigon Church
Tool Stolen From Local Volunteer Builders
Good Samaritain Ministry Gets New Building
Community Helps Rebuild Couple's Home
Couple Gets Keys to Newly-Rebuilt Home
Please duplicate the letters and/or numbers you see below to verify that you are a valid user of this form.
Annual Church Profiles Are In The Mail
Your Annual Church Profile (ACP) should be arriving at your church soon. If for some reason you fail to recieve one please let us know. Please take a moment and fill out this important document. It enables us to keep a history for you of your church and churches in the Association. It also allows us to go to State Conventions for resources. Call with any questions you may have. You can fill it out online on the Lifeway site If you have any trouble logging in just call Meegan at 903-581-6139
Christmas Fellowship and Budget Adoption
December 6, 2010 from 5-7 PM we will host a Christmast fellowship at the SBA office. We will provide the decorations and goodies, just plan to be our guest. In conjunction with this fellowship we will adopt the 2010 budget. Pastors and messengers will be asked to vote on it by ballot. The proposed budget will be posted online soon and will be mailed to all churches.
Semi-Annual Meeting January 30, 2010 Flint Baptist Church
Pastors, there is important information posted on the Pastors Page regarding the Semi-Annual Meeting. The password is the same as always but you have to type it in twice now. Please let us know if you have trouble gaining access.
Smith Association on Google Maps
Wanna see what Smith Association looks like with all our churches plotted on a map? Check it out here:
Smith Baptist Association Churches Plotted
Click on your church or any church and get directions. If your church is not listed please let me know and I'll get it added.
Smith Baptist Association
"Exists to equip and serve our member churches
in fellowship and in fulfillment of the Great Commission"
Eighty-seven Southern Baptist Churches and missions located within Cherokee, Smith, Gregg, Wood, and Van Zandt counties of East Texas make up Smith Baptist Association. These 93 churches work cooperatively to carry the “Good News” message of Jesus Christ and the challenge of His Great Commission as expressed in the New Testament into every area of our neighborhoods, cities, communities, and counties of the Association, the State of Texas, our Nation, and unto the uttermost parts of the Earth.
SBA Office Hours (Mon - Thurs) - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM