Texas Laundry and Dry Cleaners - "WE ARE GREEN CLEAN"
Award Winning Texas Laundry & Dry Cleaners
Sherman, Denison, Gunter, Tom Bean, Whiteright,
Leonard, Howe, Van Alstyne, Wolfe City, Pottsboro, and Bells.
Walnut Street Location (903) 893-1337Sunset Street Location (903) 893-6713
We are a family owned and operated business since 1910.
We're a full service company that provides a wide array of conveniences.
Texas Laundry & Dry Cleaning is recognized as being a “green” dry cleaning business. How did we get
here? We were the first dry cleaning business in the State of Texas to be recognized as a Certified Green
Cleaner (www.certifiedgreencleaner.org). It has been an honor for us to receive recognition as The Best of
Texoma Dry Cleaner Laundry for four years in a row. We also received an award from the American Dry
Cleaner Magazine, with only one other business in the State of Texas , to receive this award.
There are several ways that we do our part to help “save the earth”: we have replaced our older dry cleaning
machine with a new Hydrocarbon machine, we use only non-toxic solvents that are more eco-friendly, we
have began to wrap our steam pipes and replace our lighting in the building, and we give our customers free
hanger caddie boxes for their hangers. We also give our customers reusable garment bags, thereby
reducing the use of the clear plastic used to wrap the clean clothes in. We use a bar-code system on all
garments that our customers bring in which not only stops putting holes in their clothes, but saves on pins.
We are now offering Tuxedo and Formal Rentals.
Here at Texas Laundry & Dry Cleaning, we are continuously trying to do our part in helping to make the
environment more eco-friendly.