Financial Peace University: 7:00 p.m.
(New classes begin approximately every four months, contact church office for information)
Nursery is provided during regularly scheduled services.
The congregation of North Oak Church of Christ want to welcome you to our website. The origins of our church goes back to 1906, and we've had a long history to serving the community through our strong belief of spreading the word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
One of the great joys of worship is to be with people who love the Lord and have a desire to experience the Divine presence of God. In welcoming you to North Oak Church of Christ, we pray that you will experience that presence of God in your life, hear the call of God on your life, and have the freedom to respond to that call in faith and trust.
Our church family celebrates the rich diversity of Gods people and seeks to allow the transforming love of Christ to equip all with a clear understanding of Gods plan for each of us as precious and beloved children of God; and to provide a place and opportunity for ministry and worship. As a family, we are convicted to minister to the spiritual, emotional and intellectual needs of all people, by spreading Christ's liberating gospel through word and deed, overcoming the barriers that destroy community and diminish the dignity of those created in Gods image.
You are invited to experience our Ministries and our mission. If you are looking for a church home, we would love for you to not only consider us a place of worship, but also home and family. Come, worship and grow with us. If you are just passing through, feel free to come and worship with us and feel free to visit us again.
In His service and love,
The Family and Leadership of North Oak Church of Christ
We are a church whose purpose is to glorify God by transforming our community through prayer, preaching, discipleship and evangelism.
Purposeful application of prayer - Create a culture of prayer through improved communication of praise, thanksgiving, needs and answers promoting thought and action for purposeful, specific prayer.
Preaching and teaching on purpose A balanced and systematic approach to the Bible with planned continuity of teaching and preaching, for whole family instruction and involvement, and worship clarity.
Discipleship on purpose - equipping the Saints through teaching and training; supporting each other as a healthy body; serving the Saints and Others; leading by example with prayer, evangelism, fasting and visitation.
City reaching evangelism - Domestic and foreign missions, Financial Peace University, community outreach programs, prayer walking, each one reach one-our neighbors, friends, family.