The Location of our meetings is 5320 50th st Lubbock Tx
The 3rd Tuesday of every Month.
If your day care needs
hearing & vision screening
and you are apart of
Call Connie Allen ASAP
**Will Not be at the Church this month!!!!**
Come to Dinner at Anita Cavazos Home
Dinner, Fun, Info you want to know!
We will call you to get your RSVP or you can call
South Plains Day Home Association
Home & Center Child Care
On The Left side you see a list of Child Care Providers
thatyou can click on.This is how you canlearn more
SPDHA is an Association of members that get
together on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm.
(Saint Matthews United Methodist Church).
This is where we earn our hours that we need to have for the
State of Texas.
We get to learn of new and up coming things to
help us take better care of children.
If you would like to find out more about our
Association please feel free to come by a
meeting our give our referral lines a call!
President & Referral
Vice President & NewsLetter
Librarian & Referral
Website & Historian
email us at:
Touching Hearts at Home NYC Area is the premier provider in the NYC area for in-Home Senior Care and Non-Medical Care. Our mission is to provide the highest quality of senior home care and companion c
733 Third Avenue, Floor 16 New York, New York 10017