Exciting News about EMR!
Business Records Management, LLC is teaming up with UnifiMed to provide a web-based EMR solution that is user friendly, meets the "meaningful use" guidelines, and is more cost effective than the alternatives. With EMR requirements just around the corner, we are excited about the opportunity to meet your needs and concerns during this transition.
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This may be the original idea that you have been searching for... a simple but unique opportunity to reduce operating costs and improve business process performance. At BRM we special in storing and managing business files. Most of our customers don't specialize in storage and management issue. We do that for them so that they can focus on doing what they do best.
BRM is a Commercial Records Center located in Abilene, TX. We are a family owned and operated company with interest in providing businesses with many valuable services in records management. Our highly sophisticated software allows us to track a record anywhere it may go, to your office, in our facility, or tell us who in your office may have checked it out. It is our mission to provide the most excellent service available. When our clients need a file from storage we provide fast, reliable service. We enjoy serving our clients. Serving is what we do best. We hope to serve your business too.
Call 325-677-4554 or email businessrecordsman@msn.com
Our sister company, Stor and Lok, a self storage facility, has been in business for nearly 18 years. We service Abilene and surrounding communities with records storage, management and a number of other services.
BRM is committed to serving and assisting small businesses with excellence while eliminating their pain of records management. It is our commitment to provide solutions to specific issues by tailoring our service to allow customers to know what they have, where it is, how to access it quickly, and when to get rid of it. We Maintain records because we must.
Member: Abilene Chamber of Commerce 2010 and Prism International.
We specialize in custom web design, responsive websites, e-commerce solutions, database creation, and web applications, which are surpassed only by our trademark customer service.