On the next American Idol Rewind... Atlanta is the next stop in our nationwide search. The judges are stunned by the quality of talent they hear. The first four contestants all get the golden ticket to Hollywood, including a very nervous RJ Helton and EJay Day. The amazing talent comes to a halt with a string of spectacularly bad folks, summed up in a very funny 'Five Things You Should Not Do at an American Idol Audition' sequence. Last to audition in Atlanta is one Miss Tamyra Gray, so things were able to close on a high note.
Apparently the coffee buzz doesn't do much for singing ability, as not a single contestant in our next city of Seattle gets a 'yes' from the judges all morning. Randy Jackson is seriously worried as the auditions head into the afternoon. Apparently Seattle reserved the best for last, as the first yes goes to JP Perez that afternoon, followed by ten others, including an emotional AJ Gil.
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