We are an inclusive spiritual community in San Antonio, TX, with a creative approach to the Sacred. We learn from many faith traditions as we celebrate together with uplifting music, meditation, movement, discussion, art, poetry and laughter.
Whether you're visiting this website for the first time, or the four-hundreth, we invite you to read, reflect, and listen to the diversity of our voices--as well as to the still, quiet voice within you. Won't you join us for meditation one Wednesday at 7:30 pm,or for our Sunday Circle at 11:00 am? We gather to honor and nurture the Sacred in ourselves, each other, and all Creation, as we remember together...
Hey Circle folks, lend us your ear! If you've missed some Sundays recently, listen here, or check out last posted talk from Celebration Circle below.
Dr. Luis Carlos Sanchez speaks on "Healing Grief" and describes the upcoming workshop
We have a full roster of workshops, concerts, and special events always going on at the Circle, in addition to our regular meetings. Please check out our Events page for more information.