Worshiping, Learning and Serving together as the Hands of Christ
Christ Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. We are one of God's mission outposts and are located at 86 Plantation Drive, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. We believe we are saved by the grace of God through our savior Jesus Christ and inspired to do good works and worship through the Holy Spirit.
Haiti Earthquake Relief
A magnitude 7.0 earthquake rocked the island country of Haiti on Tuesday, January 12. Buildings are destroyed, the search for survivors is intense and the streets of Haiti are filled with people in shock and searching for loved ones among the rubble. ELCA Disaster Response partners have survived the quake and are already working to serve the people of Haiti.
Your help is needed today to bring immediate relief and continued hope for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. About 3 million people, one-third of Haitis population, were affected by this earthquake.
Office: 979-297-2013 Fax: 979-297-7868General Information
A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Branches and additional offices:
(512) 863-6735Georgetown, TX 78626-
(325) 949-32213417 Sherwood Way San Angelo, TX 76901-3530
(254) 756-46153101 Macarthur Dr Waco, TX 76708-2342