Camp Pictures - see link above for photos and email
NEW*: We are pleased to announce that we are now taking online applications for campers, staff, JSI's (Junior Staff Interns) and CIT's (Counselors in Training). Also, you can visit our web store and pay for your camper's deposit or their full registration fee online via PayPal. Thanks for your continued patience. ***
2010 Camp Dates and Prices*
Hidden Falls Ranch (HFR) is a nondenominational Christian Youth Camp and Retreat Center situated next to Palo Duro Canyon near Wayside Texas.
We do cool things like horseback riding, rapelling, swimming, and late night campfires. The best part is, kids are taught about Jesus Christ and the need for salvation.
Please check out the other pages for more information about HFR, and the possibilities that we offer.
If you're interested in more information about HFR, what it is about, and what happens here, please read www.bestyears.com/40th_hfr_anniversary.html or www.bestyears.com/summercamp.html which are articles we discovered that were written by Mike Bellah about his own experiences at the ranch.