Observing Fifty Years of Gym Evolution (Part II)
Platform: The Barbell Shrug
Observing Fifty Years of Gym Evolution (Part I)
Evolution and Training
Roundtable: Programming & Military Training
Starting Strength Series—Dan John (Part 2)
by Tommy Suggs
The dynamics of rapid growth in the gym business consisted of three separate factors that evolved separately but were dependent, in the final analysis, upon each other. The giant leap forward in the development of machines was the spearhead of the gym renaissance…
An introduction to the barbell shrug:
Former National Champion Olympic weightlifter, national and world team coach, and editor of the legendary strength publication Strength and Health, Tommy Suggs’ experience at the top of the iron game spans six decades. His unique perspective on strength, power, training, and athletics is simply unavailable anywhere else. This is his first article in the fitness industry since 1969, and we are honored that he has chosen to place it with us.
Evolution and Training: An Interview with Dr. William Meller
by Jim Steel
Dr. William Meller is the author of Evolution Rx: A Practical Guide to Harnessing Our Innate Capacity for Health and Healing. I found his book in a blurb in Powerlifting USA titled Dont Stretch, and of course that piqued my interest…I tried to ask the good doctor questions that would relate specifically to the Starting Strength readers, but there is so much more to learn from this man I really just scraped the surface. Some things will be controversial, but its all interesting.
A discussion of adapting strength programming for trainees with competing goals/responsibilities.
From the first Coaches Roundtable Weekend in Wichita Falls, August, 2010.