At Gary's Termite & Pest Control, we understand that pests need to be taken care of promptly. On our site, you will find information on the major aspects of pest control, for all types of properties. You'll also learn why it is critically important to choose the right company to protect your valuable family and property.
We're available for your pest control problems. We understand that pest problems are often unexpected and need to be taken care of right away. Our company also understands that they are a concern to the safety and well being of you and those around you, as well as your
property and grounds. It's our goal to help
After our initial treatment, we can help eliminate the long-term risk of pest problems as well. Proper professional evaluation yields a strategic plan that can control pests indefinitely. Intense preliminary treatment is often followed by ongoing service customized for the property, or at least by an annual inspection.
We have a vested interest in providing a safe, environmentally conscious, cost-effective solution for your pest problems. We will never provide a treatment based on popularity or price, which will not solve a pest control problem.
Our pest control specialists have the training, experience, and the tools to assure protection and elimination of all types of destructive pests. Additionally, we're experts at the proper, safe methods of selecting and applying all pest-control chemicals. The application of pesticides alone will accomplish little without other non-chemical strategies.
We guarantee our services and we work with you to find the best solution(s) for your pest control problem! Additionally, we welcome client feedback-- we try our best to ensure quality and professional service each and every time!
Branches and additional offices:
(903) 577-3300206 Gibson Ave Apt 10 Mount Pleasant, TX 75455-3766
(903) 588-20041933 Farm Road 115 Mount Vernon, TX 75457-7434