Drop Dead Pest Control Target Pests:
Ants, Acrobat, Argentine, Bigheaded, Carpenter, Cornfield, Crazy, Field, Fire (Native & Imported), Ghost, Harvester, Lasius, Little Black, Odorous House, Pavement, Pharoh, Thief.
Welcome to the Drop Dead Pest Control Website.
Thank You for taking the time to consider Drop Dead Pest Control for all of yourTermite and Pest Control Services. We offera wide variety ofservices for many structures. To really get a better understanding of what kind of service you would Like we will want to know a few things? Residential service, for example, has many options in the tactic and method that we will want to protect the home from invading insects, Bugs, Spiders and many other different pests. Our goal is to provide a very professional,comprehensive, and thorough evaluation of your home in regards to all of the greenest available treatmentsat the time of service. The first step in this process is asking a few questions.
Drop Dead Pest Control provides thorough pest control and termite control services for residential and commercial structures. We are very confident that our service exceeds our competitors in our ability to protect your home and business from any pest or termite. Drop Dead Pest Control utilizes the newest products and some of the oldest tehniques to ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of each and every service.
Drop Dead Pest Control utilizes integrated pest management. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a balanced, tactical approach to pest control. It involves inspecting sites to determine what actions to take and, based on an assessment of the pest found, what control to use to prevent further damage.
IPM often combines several control tactics, including biological control, pest resistant plants, cultural practices, mechanical controls, monitoring of pest population and damage, and careful use of chemical, botanical and biological pesticides.
The goal of Drop Dead Pest Control is to achieve economical and effective pest control with the least risk to the public and the according to the chemical manufacturers specimen label directions.
Most urban pest thresholds are related to aesthetics rather than economics. Dandelions in a turf can be unsightly, but seldom kill the turf. However, in critical care areas, one roach, fire ant or mouse can be a health hazard. Where health concerns exist, the tolerable level of the pest may be zero. Zero thresholds exist in hospitals; schools; day care centers; food production, preparation and consumption areas; warehouses; and retail facilities.
Treatment of the structure forRoaches, spidersall four seasons of the year. Drop Dead Pest Control inspects the home thoroughly for all possible pest situations. Termites swarmingin the spring, or June bugs in July, crickets in September, or rodents looking for Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.
Branches and additional offices:
(972) 359-0803TX
(281) 261-69341127 Adams Ave Missouri City, TX 77489-1501