When you have the opportunity to build your Dream Home it should be that, a dream, not a Nightmare! Why spend hard earned money on something youre going to be unhappy with and possibly regret doing? When building a new home you have only one shot to get it right and thats when it is in the construction stage. Most Texas home owners over look that fact that in Texas we use Air Conditioning 7 months out of the year and is about 60% of our utility cost. So you have your dream home but is it truly Energy Efficient?
Tuffys Air Conditioning & Heating Service, Inc. has over 20 years of experience installing comfort systems. This is why we felt the need to add another very important product to our arsenal (polyurethane foam) which gives us the ability to ensure all air infiltration is stopped from entering the home. Polyurethane foam seals cracks, stops air leakage, insulates walls, reduces noise transmission, and above all removes the food source for mold to grow (moisture)!!
We are committed to ensure that our customers have the best Indoor Air Quality, combined with our expertise of HVAC and the ability to stop air infiltration, Tuffys Air Conditioning & Heating Service, Inc. can now truly offer total in home comfort.
When you stop air infiltration several things happen, first and foremost, Better Indoor Air Quality. Second, Increased Energy Efficiency by as much as 50%, and third, Controls and Reduces noise level, this list could go on forever. If you would like to know more please feel free to call Tuffys Air Conditioning & Heating Service, Inc. at 817-596-0150
Why Tuffys? The question is, why not Tuffys?
Family owned and operated company, Sun Air Conditioning & Heating serving Stafford, TX and surrounding area with high quality commercial and residential HVAC services.
Residential & Commercial AC Installation & Repair, Air Conditioning Installation, Air Conditioner Repair, Heating Repair, HVAC Maintenance, HVAC Compressor Service, HVAC repair of all major brands, Cu