JVB Basketball vs. Chisholm Trail (4:30pm)--Updated
Booster Club Dinner & Silent Auction (5:30pm)
VB Basketball vs. Chisholm Trail (7:30pm)
VG Basketball vs. Chisholm Trail (6pm)
Varsity Girls Soccer vs. Sherman Texoma (4pm)
PTF Meeting (7pm)
8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Garland Christian (7pm)--Updated
7th Grade Boys Basketball @ Garland Christian (6pm)--Updated
8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Garland Christian (7pm)
7th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Garland Christian (6pm)--Updated
VB Basketball @ Waco Vanguard (7:30pm)
VG Basketball @ Waco Vanguard (6pm)
JVB Basketball @ Waco Vanguard (5pm)--Updated
TAPPS Region 2 One Act Play competition
Varsity Swimming @ Irving Turkey Trot (10:15am)
Click the picture to see a larger version.
OCS Prayer Line If you would like prayer for a specific need or issue, we want to pray with you. Email your requests to: prayer@ovillachristianschool.org.
2010-2011 Uniform Supplier
Click the logo to visit the
Absolute Uniform website.
OCS Eagle Camp
Click the Eagle for Important Information.
Provided by the OCS Library
Go to the Library page for more information.
Come out on Saturday, November 6, at 12:30 to cheer on the teams at the annual Super Hoopers Basketball Tournament. Come feel the excitement!
Weve made supporting Ovilla Christian School easier than ever!
OCS has now made it possible to make your donations online! Simply click on the button. You can choose the campaign you wish to support, choose the timing and the payment method.
Walk Where Jesus Walked!
Experience the Best of Israel by joining the OCS tour of Israel. Hurry! Deposit Due by February 25, 2011.
at 7:00 p.m.
Click the logo to see the November newsletter with more details.
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