Attorneys & Counselors at Law
We are Consumer Attorneys. We do not work for Debt Collectors.
Thank you for visiting our website. Our lawyers practice Consumer Law in the areas of Debt Collection Harassment, Identity Theft, & Debt Defense.
We bring claims against debt collectors and companies that break the laws meant to protect consumers by making illegal threats like wage garnishment, home foreclosure, and property seizure or making illegal contacts with neighbors, family members, and employers.
We take the necessary steps to remove the negative consequences of identity theft by helping our clients through the process of making a police report, completing an affidavit of fraud, and contacting the appropriate companies. Our services include getting a court order declaring our client a victim of identity theft and taking legal action to remove fraudulent accounts from credit reports when creditors refuse to do so.
We also defend people being sued on a consumer debt. Many times debt buyers dont sue the proper person or sue long after the law allows them to. If they have a good claim, we negotiate for our client to resolve the matter in an attempt to avoid a judgment and excessive attorney fees.